Before breaching a contract, be certain you can bear the cost. 所以,违反一项契约前,要确定你能承受违约的代价。
The losing party shall bear the cost for arbitration according to the contract. 根据合同,败诉方将承担仲裁费用。
Anyone advocating that would have to believe that western publics are prepared to bear the cost. 提倡这么做的人必须认为,西方公众准备承担为此付出的代价。
Developing nations argue that the West bears responsibility for damaging the global environment and should bear the cost of cleaning it up. 发展中国家辩称西方对全球环境退化负有责任,并理应承担治理资金。
However, the number of people willing and able to bear the cost of such litigation? 但是,有多少人愿意并能够承担这类诉讼成本呢?
The contractor is obliged to bear the cost of all expenses arising in connection with the liability for defects. 承包方尽其最大努力承担所有由于缺陷责任方面导致的花费。
Party A shall repatriate the patient to China and bear the cost of his passage to guangzhou. 甲方应将病人遣返中国并负责其返回广州的旅费。
Huikang shall bear the cost and fees for all these professionals they hired. 慧康公司将承担所聘用的所有专业人员和事务所的费用。
Taking into account the approach that the polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of pollution, with due regard to the public interest and without distorting international trade and investment. 考虑原则上应由污染者承担污染造成的费用,适当照顾公众利益,同时不误导国际贸易与投资。
MS low explains that the company does not want to bear the cost of two listings, two sets of advisers, and so forth, or waste management time that could be devoted to further growth. 罗宝玲解释称,公司不希望承担两地上市、两班顾问等诸如此类的成本,也不愿浪费管理时间这些时间本可投入到进一步发展上。
If the Reading Railroad owned the farm, then it would bear the cost, and there wouldn't be an externality. 如果Reading铁路公司拥有这片农田,那么它将承担这个成本,也就意味着将不再有外部性了。
Each Contracting Party shall bear the cost of the arbitrator appointed by it. 缔约各方应承担其委任仲裁员的费用。
The owners shall bear the cost thereof and be responsible for whatever damages caused by removals. 费用及因迁移该物资所生之损害,由原所有权人负担之。
Toyota promises to bear the cost of the recall and related services, and dealers don't pay a cent for the recall either. 丰田承诺将会承担所有汽车召回的费用和相关的服务费用,供货商们也不用对这次召回措施付出任何费用。
Do the bride's parents have to bear the cost of the wedding? 要由新娘的父母来负担婚礼所需的费用吗?
Meanwhile, Yahoo will bear the cost of selling to premium advertisers for Microsoft, without benefiting when those advertisers spend money through Bing. 与此同时,雅虎还将承担替微软向高端广告客户销售的成本,但如果这些客户通过必应做广告,雅虎就无法从中受益。
The people's court may execute it forcibly or entrust a relevant unit or others to complete it, and the person concerned shall bear the cost. 人民法院可以强制执行或者委托有关单位或者其他人完成,费用由被执行人承担。
The employer should bear the cost thereof. 职业病诊断鉴定费用由用人单位承担。
A clause in the agreement provides that the tenant shall bear the cost of all repairs the building. 和约中有一条规定,客房将负但修理房屋里全部费用。
If the time, society is doomed to choose me to serve "is corrupt"," reverse elimination" of this phenomenon bear the cost of life, and I only have no choice but to calm face. 如果时代、社会注定要选择我来为“被贪官”、“逆淘汰”这一现象承担生命的代价,我也只有别无选择地平静面对。
Party B will bear the cost of utilities such as telephone communications, water, electricity, gas, management fees, Internet and cable television on time during the lease term. 乙方应承担租赁期内的水、电、煤气、电话费、宽带费、物业管理费和电视费等一切因实际使用而产生的费用,并按单如期缴纳。
Many power plants have been reluctant to bear the cost of cutting SO2 emissions, sometimes not switching on desulphurisation equipment even when forced to install it. 许多发电厂一直不愿承担二氧化硫减排方面的费用,有时甚至在被迫安装了脱硫设备后也不使用。
Some farmers interviewed said that it made more sense for farmers to sell their tobacco to buyers who come to them than for them to bear the cost of transporting the crop to the auction floors. 一些受访的农民说,农民向前来收购的买家销售烟叶,比他们自己承担到拍卖场的运输费用到拍卖场销售更好。
Analysis of medical charge of inpatients with coronary heart disease and influencing factors the employer should bear the cost thereof. 冠心病病人住院费用及影响因素分析职业病诊断鉴定费用由用人单位承担。
We cannot keep constantly explaining to our voters and our citizens why the taxpayer should bear the cost of certain risks and not those people who have earned a lot of money from taking those risks. 我们不能一而再、再而三的向我们的选民和公民解释,为什么应由纳税人来承担某些风险的成本,而不是由那些通过冒险大赚特赚的人来承担。
Will you bear the cost? 你愿意负担这个费用殚吗?
Huikang shall bear the cost of acquisition of the shell. 慧康公司将承担买壳的费用。
Welfare heating lifted: Who will bear the cost of reform? 福利供暖取消后:改革成本将由谁来承担?
Yet with ever-rising costs in cities such as Beijing, the question for many is not whether they want another child but whether they can bear the cost. 然而随着像北京这样的城市逐渐增加的成本,对很多人来说问题不是是否他们想要另一个孩子,而是他们是否能负担起这些成本。